The Great Invitation

The Great invitation

COME unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you REST. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is EASY and my burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30

With this type of invitation, why would one not honour it and make it an option rather than outrightly doubt and turn it down? In these days of ritual killings where people want to get power and money at all cost, the yoke of getting human part is a lot of load that will take away anybody’s sleep. On getting the so-called power and or money, you will not know rest. While on the other hand, Jesus is requiring no such things but only for you to come, follow Him, He is gentle in nature, His yoke is light, just keep the law of love, Love God, Love your neighbor, and trust Him as the son of the living God.

He is not forceful; he will come down to your level and bless you with power, children, healing, money, breakthrough, peace of mind which is rest. His blessings maketh rich and add no sorrow. Even in face of life challenges, with Jesus in your life, you will experience rest and be able to sleep and you will come out of the problems in victory, better, stronger, and happier.

A strong story was told of a man who wanted to be rich, went to a herbalist for money ritual, and was told to bring human part within seven days. It was tormenting days, he finally got the part and on getting to the herbalist street, he saw people crying and mourning only to discover the man had just died. Jesus lives and He is real! Only Him can bless without ending.

Give your life to Him today and serve Him by honouring the great invitation. Taste and see that the Lord is good.

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